Pre-Design and Construction - Bridging the Gap

July 17, 2019
The engineering and construction industries have been far slower than others in adopting new technologies, but Xradar has recently partnered with Vuit to provide 3D laser scanning and Pre-Design Scanning services.

Through this partnership with Vuit, we have introduced Xradar Pre-Design Scanning, the most innovate and enterprising way to better serve our clients and the industry.

Pre-design has proven especially effective at mitigating risk and adding value to projects, especially tenant improvement projects. The two-step concept is very simple. Firstly, we scan a space prior to the interior design phase, and then secondly, using the most advanced 3D laser camera technology, we produce detailed as-built drawings that include the location of all subsurface infrastructure. These drawings can be utilized by engineers or architects to create design drawings with zero conflicts. Essentially, smart space planning that enables the design team to formulate ideas and evaluate design concepts without the requirement to revisit down the line, when the cost of changes dramatically increase.

pre-design scanning

The aim of this service is to create a sustained linkage between design and construction that will mitigate risk and improve both the speed and safety of the construction process. Vuit has also partnered with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia as an educational provider in order to help industry professionals to remain current with contemporary technology, business practices, methods and materials. Find out more HERE.